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What is Heilkunst?

Heilkunst was the term used by the German medical reformer, Dr. Samuel Friedrich Hahnemann (1755-1843), for the complete healing system that he created based on natural law. “Heilkunst” is a German word that translates as “the art of making whole” or “the art of healing.”

Dr. Hahnemann’s full system, as set out in his extended Organon of Heilkunst, uses:

  • Regimen: the realm of lifestyle, which includes diet, exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration, and relaxation, and it sometimes uses the Law of Opposites to correct imbalances.

  • Medicine: the realm of disease proper, which employs the natural Law of Similars using dynamic or energetic remedies to remove disease (called cure), and

  • Therapeutic Education: corrects false beliefs about oneself and the world.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy has been used successfully worldwide for over 200 years and is recognized as the second most widely used form of medicine in the world today. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine that is non-invasive, gentle, quick, safe and effective. It is used to treat individuals with both chronic as well as acute health concerns and implements the Law of Similars.

Homeopathy uses very small doses of natural substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. As a holistic practice which treats the symptoms of the body and mind as one, the goal is to see improvements in our patients on all levels of function. Homeopaths understand that the mind, body, and spirit are linked and that disease is expressed through symptoms, thereby calling for an all encompassing approach to healing.

Homeopathy is safe for pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and those who are highly sensitive to pharmaceutical medicines.

What is the difference between Healing and Curing?

Healing involves re-establishing balance and strengthening our system. Most alternative health modalities such as massage therapy, herbs, nutrition, chiropractic adjustments, etc. work at this level.

Curing is the elimination of a disease. It not only removes symptoms but also removes the cause of a particular disease.

What is a Healing Reaction?

A healing reaction is usually experienced by the patient, on average, 12-15 days after taking the remedy. It is the body's way of acting to restore balance after the remedy has expelled the blockage or trauma. The patient may experience a discharge (such as a runny nose, headache, more frequent urination, nausea, rash etc.). The healing reaction is necessary for both healing and curing. The Healing Reaction is seen as a positive signal that the remedy has completed its healing action.